PC World

kiwanja.net recently ran a regular PC World column which touched on the intersection of technology and development across the developing world. A full index of articles is available below. We also ran a wider series – Digital Diversity – on National Geographic. You can see an online index of articles in that series here.

10th August CreditSMS Helps Structure Informal Mobile Finance [PDF]
31st July Mobile Phones Help Put a Stop to Drug Stock-outs [PDF]
20th July Weather Stations Will Use Mobile Infrastructure [PDF]
9th July Searching Where Google Can’t [PDF]
29th May Glimpsing into a Mobile Future [PDF]
26th January Mobile Phones Join the Rural Radio Mix [PDF]
16th January Where Walkie-talkies Dare [PDF]
19th December Mobile Phones and the Birds and the Bees [PDF]
1st December ‘Social Mobile’ Applications: The Missing Book [PDF]
20th November Mobile Finance – Indigenous, Ingenious or Both? [PDF]
5th November Nokia: From Technical Development to Human Development? [PDF]
8th October Mobile IT Helps Conservationists Get the Message  [PDF]
15th September ‘Cometh the Hour, Cometh the Technology’ [PDF]
14th August Mobiles, SMS Play a Role in Afghanistan Security [PDF]
11th August Delivering Aid in a Digital World [PDF]
29th July Mobile Phones and the Digital Divide  [PDF]
17th July Anthropology’s Technology-driven Renaissance [PDF]
27th June Witnessing the Human Face of Mobile in Malawi  [PDF]
19th June The Mobile Revolution’s Hidden Cost [PDF]
6th June Serving up Life in an Online World [PDF]
23rd May Appropriate Technology and the Humble Mobile Phone  [PDF]
15th May Telecom: Nice to Have or Basic Necessity? [PDF]
5th May Intel, OLPC Affordable Laptop Bout Only Hurts Users [PDF]
23rd April Under the Radar? Africa’s Informal Development [PDF]
14th April Mobile Phones Play Role in Zimbabwe [PDF]
30th March The Mobile Revolution (column introductory post) [PDF]