The positive. The negative. The upbeat. The downbeat. The optimistic. The pessimistic. The African view. The Western view. The good. The bad. The “half full”. The “half empty”.
The two faces of African literature?
62 thoughts on “The two faces of African literature”
“Building a case as to why more Africans should write about Africa.” For whom are you building a case? Since we’re talking in generalizations, perhaps “the West” needs to look where Africans are “writing” (non-mainstream lit, radio, online, non-English media) and engage them there? Rather than assume they’re just not writing at all. And just one more thing, this discussion about Africans in African literature could benefit from the opinions of those who were around when Chinua Achebe became a big deal. It’s the same discussion–except it’s about to be 2011. That’s problematic not to mention disheartening in many ways.
@Carla – Sorry. The tweet was a little misleading based on a shortage of characters. Someone at the ICTD2010 conference was building the case, not me in this blog post. I just linked it back to here because I thought it might be interesting to people. (I agree with much of what you say, by the way).
@lu i agree, It is worth watching this video which features a talk by Chimamanda Adichie: The danger of a single story
@Adam Also with respect to the Novel @Things Fall Apart” the author is Chinua Achebe. I agree
“Building a case as to why more Africans should write about Africa.” For whom are you building a case? Since we’re talking in generalizations, perhaps “the West” needs to look where Africans are “writing” (non-mainstream lit, radio, online, non-English media) and engage them there? Rather than assume they’re just not writing at all. And just one more thing, this discussion about Africans in African literature could benefit from the opinions of those who were around when Chinua Achebe became a big deal. It’s the same discussion–except it’s about to be 2011. That’s problematic not to mention disheartening in many ways.
@Carla – Sorry. The tweet was a little misleading based on a shortage of characters. Someone at the ICTD2010 conference was building the case, not me in this blog post. I just linked it back to here because I thought it might be interesting to people. (I agree with much of what you say, by the way).